Society as a whole is being slowly convinced through repetitive spraying that an entire society gets sick on the same day. Twenty years ago we got sick on individual levels, and our illnesses were more varied, and did not have doctors scratching their heads wondering what’s wrong with you. Today the level of respiratory illnesses is out of control. Some of the highest paid doctors in Los Angeles, California are finally admitting to their elite clients that their sickness and sometimes falsely diagnosed conditions of asthma are due exclusively to the materials being sprayed over the people.
Countries globally are experiencing entire families, neighborhoods, towns, cities, and counties coming down with illnesses directly after spraying occurs in their area. For those who are looking up, taking pictures, and logging the occurrences, the world will never be the same. They know something is afoot. They know their government is allowing nefarious factions to poison their health, and potentially reprogram their DNA to states that are as of yet to be certified. One thing is for certain, we are all being poisoned. This is not a United States phenomenon. This is a global campaign that has been approved by all banker installed government puppets. Military is looking the other way. Police are looking the other way. Commercial pilots are afraid to mention these actions for fear of losing their coveted jobs. Nevertheless, the people are waking up.
To those who believe they will continue to enable this campaign of death unscathed we say, your time will come. Claims of following orders from above will go over in a court of law not unlike NAZI commanders under Hitler. You will be tried for crimes against humanity. You will be sentenced to a life without freedom. Your surnames will be shamed for generations to come. Your offspring will hang their head as their mothers and fathers acted against the welfare of the people for decades. Your only escape is to act against this program. Send the email. Make the video. Do whatever you can to vindicate that you had nothing to do with this program, and that you risked your own wellbeing to protect those you love, and humanity at large. Be the first, and the rest will follow.