Today we’re going to take a break from our normal political focus and share with you an area of science that affects how you perceive the solar system we’re in today. The theories we’re going to share with you in this article will be considered controversial, but hopefully easy to understand and research once explained.
Why would write an article about the cosmos? The answer is actually related to the control that the bankers in Europe have over you, but we understand if that’s a bit difficult to believe at this early stage. Let us begin. One of the challenges of understanding how planets are formed is that we haven’t been able to observe such an event from start to finish, so we are left with many assumptions, and this is where we step in. Our goal is to shatter the beliefs of what you’ve been told, because very important truths about how our planet operates are being hidden from view. These missing facts lead to things like crude oil being falsely categorized as a fossil fuel.
How Are Planets Born?
In the beginning, a planet is nothing more than a body of rock getting trapped in orbit around the Sun. From this early orbital home, the rock is bombarded by emissions from the Sun. Our Sun provides a constant stream of highly explosive hydrogen atoms. When these atomic particles collide with the rock two things occur: some of the particles get stuck to the surface of the rock due to gravity, and some of the particles, wait for it, get stuck in the center of the rock. How is that possible? The basic answer is that there is incredible space between atoms on the atomic level. Atoms are able to pass through many bodies unimpeded. In the case of our young rock, the amount of atoms captured at its core is minimal. The complex answer is that the Sun is a huge fusion reactor and thus creates all levels of sub-atomic matter that travels the spaces between atoms uninhibited by the forces of atomic orbits.
As the rock takes on more and more hydrogen from the Sun, the rock gains a core that is a ticking time bomb, and a surface that slowly becomes more and more heavy thus creating massive friction against the explosive interior. Eventually the rock gains enough mass and thus pressure and ignites the core with its own fission reactor. This thermal reaction is due to the crushing pressure of the mass on the outside always trying to push in. Think of dragging a match across a rough surface, the friction causes a spark, which causes it to light, and the same thing happens when a rock gains enough pressure on the outside to create atomic friction that results in a fission reaction (like an atomic bomb) by crushing together highly explosive elements such as hydrogen.
It might be a good time to note that the Moon has been proven to be largely hollow. This isn’t because it’s a spaceship run by aliens, but because it too is being injected by the Sun, but lacks the pressure to ignite its core.
Understanding Planetary Expansion
One of the most important things to understand about this process of injecting a rock with atoms from the Sun is that it causes the rock and its surface to expand like a balloon. The larger the rock becomes, the faster the expansion grows. The reason for this accelerated expansion is that the rock acts like a target for the Sun. The larger the target, the more atomic matter it grabs from passing matter being ejected from the Sun, and therefore a faster process of expansion takes place.
During this expanding process the core of the rock, now safely referred to as a small planet, becomes more and more violent. More of the interior of the planet becomes a core of spinning atomic matter that burns with incredible explosive force.
You might find it interesting to note that during the time of the dinosaurs, the Earth was only one-fourth the size it is today. This allowed several things to occur. Dinosaurs could be huge mammoth creatures because they had literally one-fourth the gravity pulling down on their bodies. This allowed larger dinosaurs like the tyrannosaurus rex to pursue a kill at running speeds and stop on a dime for the attack without snapping its neck due to today’s gravitational force. It should be noted, dinosaurs could not exist on Earth today due to the sheer gravity that would prevent their organs from pumping blood across their huge bodies. There are minor exceptions, but without the entire ecosystem, you don’t have a dinosaur community as a whole.
It should also be noted that the continental drift theory is entirely wrong in all regards and tantamount to teaching children that the Earth is not only flat, but resting on the back of a giant turtle. Our Earth expands, and due to this natural process, the Earth creates new surface rock usually at the bottom of either the Atlantic or Pacific ocean. The recent surge in earthquakes around the world is due to this expanding reality, which is why so many earthquakes are occurring inland. Expanding Earth also accounts for sinkholes around the world.
Introducing Methane Gas
Methane gas is a very interesting compound in that it is very simple to create using the matter supplied from the Sun along with the base carbon provided by the planet itself. It contains four hydrogen atoms bound together by one carbon atom. Any scientist will tell you that hydrogen and carbon are two very abundant atoms in the universe. The reason we mention methane at this point in the article is that all planets with hydrogen suns create methane in their cores. This is made possible by the process we discussed above. Both hydrogen and carbon atoms are captured from space on the surface and in the interior of the newly formed planet. These atoms compress due to gravity, and create pockets of methane that eventually make their way to the surface through volcanoes. This is the first example of how our Sun helps to create flammable gases inside the Earth’s core. Now lets move onto a more complex substance, crude oil.
In Comes Crude Oil
This is where our fact-finding becomes interesting. Every human on Earth is told that crude oil is the byproduct of dinosaurs and plant life that died over 200+ million years ago, and has stored its biological matter in the Earth’s crust to be drilled out by oil companies that tell us that we’re soon to run out. The truth might shock you, but this is completely and utterly a lie. Let’s look at the overall composition of crude oil.
Right away you can see that 98% of crude oil comes from the same atomic matter we’ve discussed in methane, and the same atomic matter that the Sun provides Earth during normal bombardment on a daily basis. The 2% other is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and other metals, which you will soon discover also comes from our Sun.
You might ask, “Why is there so much carbon in crude oil as compared to methane if the two are related?” The answer is that methane is compressed at massive depths of the Earth’s crust by carbon atoms, which are heavy enough to do the job. These atoms are then embedded inside the composition of crude oil thus reducing its immediate flammable nature, which later requires refinement into things like gasoline. The many octanes of gasoline are refined to have far less carbon atoms than hydrogen atoms returning it back to a mixture closer to its original form, highly explosive methane gas.
Now let’s examine the atomic matter being ejected from the Sun itself.
This should look pretty familiar to the base components of crude oil above. The other is made of a mixture of .71% nitrogen, sulfur, and other metals, which is virtually the same “other” found inside crude oil. You’ll notice that the percentage of hydrogen far outweighs the percentage of carbon. The reason for this shift from the Sun to Earth’s crude oil is in the amount of hydrogen absorbed by the Earth from the Sun. It takes massive amounts of bombardment to force hydrogen inside the core of the Earth. Planetoids contain large amounts of carbon grabbed from their base composition, and from meteors that gather over time from space dust. It is good to remember that Earth’s atmosphere is struck by 100 million meteors per minute on average. This translates to metric tons of carbon once burned by friction added to the surface. All a newly born planet needs is a good supply of hydrogen to create an abundance of methane gas, and later crude oil.

How Methane Gas Becomes Crude Oil
You may have heard that the carbon atoms we are made from were created in the crushing explosions at the center of stars. This is due to the need for massive pressures that are required to change the orbital composition of any atomic matter. To add a neutron, proton, or electron to an atom takes nearly infinite force for a split second. Once the core elements of the universe were created, further compounds can be created with far less pressure.
As we outlined, crude oil contains the base components found in methane being carbon and hydrogen. Crude oil contains additional elements but is 98% on average just this, carbon and hydrogen. The ratios do vary, and this is why crude oil is created at great depths towards the core of any planet circling a hydrogen star. The center of a planet contains massive amounts of hydrogen. This is partly due to the chronological steps to create the planet, and partly due to the fact that hydrogen is the smallest atom in the known universe. Crude oil is created when a planet reaches a critical level of mass to be able to crush together more carbon and hydrogen atoms into the base methane gas atoms. The remaining components of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and metals is a simple result of surrounding matter that adds the roughly 2% ancillary elements.
The Fossil Fuel Lie
In 1892, a lie was hatched on an unsuspecting public. The oil companies, largely the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, after drilling oil for nearly 60 years was not able to increase the price of their product at a rate that was satisfying to the greed hearted owners. A brilliant deception was conceived to create a false sense of scarcity to drive up prices. In 1892, a meeting was held in Geneva to classify Earth’s fossil fuels. During the course of the event the Rockefeller lobbyists demanded that crude oil be allowed the classification of fossil due to its chemical composition of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Considering that crude oil barely contains any measurable amount of oxygen, this was a stretch at face value.
Now given the information we’ve provided in this article, you can see how ludicrous this assertion was. The universe is packed with hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Life is made from these atomic elements as well as nearly everything else we interact with. Lumping them into the fossil fuel category was the first step in a plan to control the price of oil forever.
To further drive home the point, we’d like to give two examples. One circumstantial, and one factual. To start, the dinosaur and or plant life theory is based on a planet that was one forth the size of Earth. The sheer tonnage of life required to supply the condensed level of crude oil drilled to date would outpace any theoretical quantity of dinosaur or plant life to have existed at this time. Yet we are told that there were so many dinosaurs that oil largely floated on the surface of the Earth in the 1880s when drilling began.
The second factor has to do with the depths at which crude oil is drilled today. As we explained in this article, crude oil is created at the deepest depths of Earth’s crusts. Where the atoms can be compressed into crude oil and not trapped in the combustible interior of earth, the raw sludge is squeezed to the surface through the cracks created by the ever-expanding surface rock.
All fossil life on Earth ends at 16,000 feet, yet crude oil is drilled at depths in excess of 33,000 feet. You might be thinking that perhaps it “fell” 18,000 feet down. If you study the Earth’s interior, you’ll soon understand that this is an absurd notion. The pressures in the center of the Earth are all pressing up and out. A liquid traveling nearly four miles towards the center of Earth is simply impossible.
The Lie Of Peak Oil
Just as deceitful as tales of global warming climate change, the rumors of peak oil are also false. Crude oil is the second most abundant liquid in Earth’s crust. The theory of peak oil comes from two sides; the good, and the bad. The good side is that people are tired of choking on exhaust fumes that are harmful to our health. They desperately want to see the end of oil ruling the world. What they don’t understand is that the bad side of the equation is in total and complete control of their green movement. Let us first discuss some known oil reserves.
There are three huge oil reserves largely unannounced to the world public. One is off the coast of northern Alaska, one is off the coast of Brazil, and one is off the coast of Scotland. These three reserves individually comprise mother loads of crude oil larger than all known recorded drilling in the Middle East. So why don’t the oil companies drill there?
This is where we come to the financial reasons for the concealment of the science in this article. If you were to understand the principles of how planets are created, and how crude oil is crushed into existence at the center of Earth’s mass, then you would know that the oil companies are lying to you. But why? Why would they lie about all this data? Simple, control.
Every monetary unit in the world, every dollar, every British pound, every currency controlled by the World Banks of European route their value of the dollar through the sale of a barrel of oil. If oil was suddenly discovered to be in near infinite quantities, then the value of currency would disappear, and the bankers who control the world would lose their edge overnight. This is why when American troops are duped into invading foreign countries, they inevitably go after oil reserves if available. American bases are built along pipelines, etc. This is to secure the oil from the country being invaded to add yet more control to the bankers.
The Death Of A Planet
Now for the big finale. We won’t discuss politics or nefarious elite. We will however blow your mind with this last logical assertion. You’ll remember from the information above that a planet being injected by the Sun causes it to expand. What happens when this continues forever?
We would like to suggest that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have all gone through this terminal finale. Their crusts have ruptured into massive gas giants and are largely huge hydrogen balls circling the Sun that inflated them. At one point the crust of each planet could no longer fight the internal explosive force of the hydrogen cores, and thus they were torn apart until the surface collapsed into the center of the planet’s core leaving a thick dense cloud of gas as its main exterior.
The Earth at some point in the very distant future (think billions of years) will too erupt into a gas giant. Mankind, if he survives, will hopefully have conquered the obstacles in leaving Earth’s surface and battling the radiation belts round Earth, and eventually the radiation emitted by solar emissions. Until then, we are stuck on this planet. Until then we must learn to get along with one another. We must learn to live in harmony with mother nature for we only get one planet, and she won’t be around forever.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this diversion from the norm. We will be adding more articles of similar topics in the coming weeks.
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And Why It Matters”
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